ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH
Managing Director
Hermann Paintner
Dr. Eberhard Krayl
Head Office
Sittelsdorf 24
84097 Herrngiersdorf
Tel.: +49-(0) 87 85 - 96 01 - 0
Fax: +49-(0) 87 85 - 96 01 - 142
Court of jurisdiction
Registergericht Regensburg HRB No. 3319
Sales tax ID no. DE 128 592 425
Bank accounts
Sparkasse Rottenburg/Laaber
IBAN: DE40 7435 0000 0007 9760 03
Raiffeisenbank Oberpfalz Süd eG
IBAN: DE77 7506 2026 0000 7120 51
Legal notice
The managers of ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH are not able to check the content of linked web sites continuously. ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH has no influence on the content of linked web sites. Therefore, the managers of ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH do not accept any liability for the content of third-party Internet sites that are linked by ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH.
Exclusion of liability
Liability for content
The content of our web pages has been prepared with great care. However, we cannot accept any liability for correctness, completeness and validity of any content. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this web site according to general law. However, as a service provider, we are not obliged to monitor transmitted or saved information from third parties or to search for circumstances that could indicate illegal activity. The above does not affect any obligations for removal or blocking the usage of information according to applicable laws. However, liability under the above is possible only from the time of awareness of an actual violation of law. We will remove such content immediately once relevant violations of law are known.
Liability for links
Our web site includes links to external web sites run by third parties with content on which we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot accept any responsibility for the content of third-party web sites. The service provider or operator of linked web sites is always responsible for the content. Linked web sites were checked for potential violations of law at the time of linking. Illegal content was not present at the time of linking. However, continuous checking of the content of linked web sites without an actual reason is not feasible. We will remove such links immediately once relevant violations of law are known.
The content and works prepared by the site operator are subject to Germany copyright law. Reproduction, processing, distribution and any type of use beyond the limits of copyright law requires the written approval of the author or creator. Downloads and copies of this web site are permitted for private, non-commercial use only. If content on this web site was not prepared by the site operator, it is subject to the copyright of third parties. Content from third parties is specifically marked as such. However, if you notice a copyright violation, we request that we be notified. We will remove such content immediately once a violation of copyright is known.
Information required under Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council
Link to the homepage of the body responsible online dispute resolution of the European Commission: - additional information is expected to be available there as of 15 Feb 2016. For preliminary questions regarding possible dispute resolution contact us at