It's that time again! According to tradition, it's time for the ROPA open house this year. 

Due to the healthy number of orders and the accompanying utilization of our production capacities, not to mention extensive construction activities in our Sittelsdorf location, we have decided to hold our 2024 ROPA open house at our ROPA Rhineland subsidiary, in the Viersen-Boisheim location. 

As always, the open house will be an interesting and exciting day all about agriculture. This includes an exhibition, demonstration, and cozy gathering with the character of a festival.


Directly in the location, there are more than seven hectares of sugar beets and three hectares of potatoes for the machine demonstration. 
Several sugar beet harvesters, the latest ROPA Maus 6 and various potato harvesters, such as the new Keiler 2 RK22 in the DoubleSelect model, will be showing off their capabilities. Similarly, there will be practical demonstrations of potato storage technology of all types. 


As during the location opening in 2018, we anticipate that there will be 5000 visitors if the weather is good.
All visitors will be welcomed at ROPA at the open house on this afternoon for an interesting range of activities such as warehouse tours, machine exhibition, demonstrations, and a trade exhibition with engineering companies, plant breeders and much more. 


In addition to the demonstration, ROPA's "togetherness" will be prominently featured. Visitors to the festive assembly buildings will have ample time to discuss ideas. Visitors' physical well-being will be ensured with various delicacies, coffee and cake, and a driver's bar. To keep the "young farmers" busy, there will be an array of children's activities on offer with numerous attractions, such as a bouncy castle, as well as pedal car and tractor courses, and, of course, face-painting.

Schedule and timetable:
The event will begin at 12:00 PM; the technology highlights will be presented at 1:30 PM.

At 2:00 PM the demonstration harvesting will start with all machines working at the same time. 

Ablauf- und Zeitplan:

12:00 Uhr
Beginn der öffentlichen Hausvorführung
Fachausstellung von Technologie- und Saatzuchtuntenehmen Landtechnikausstellung, Kinderprogramm uvm.
Öffentliche Bewirtung mit vielfältigem Speisenangebot


12:30 Uhr 
Vorführung Kartoffeleinlagerungstechnik Bijlsma-Hercules
Technikvorstellung durch Sebastian Grünig, Vertrieb Kartoffeltechnik, ROPA Rheinland 


13:20 Uhr
Grußworte Zuckerrübenkönigin und Kartoffelköniginnen

  • Ingrid Stigler, Deutsche Zuckerrübenkönigin
  • Julia Klammer, Rheinische Kartoffelkönigin
  • Daniela Dreher, Bayerische Kartoffelkönigin

13:30 Uhr
Vorstellung und Neuheiten in der ROPA Kartoffel-Erntetechnik
Dr. Rupert Geischeder, Bereichsleiter Kartoffeltechnik, ROPA


13:30 Uhr
Vorstellung und Neuheiten in der ROPA Zuckerrüben-Erntetechnik
Michael Gruber,Bereichsleiter Technik Zuckerrübentechnik, ROPA


14:00 Uhr
Start der praktischen Feldvorführungen mit allen Maschinen zugleich im Feldeinsatz.
Feldvorführung mit mehreren Kartoffelrodern, Rübenrodern und einer Verlademaus.
3 ha Kartoffelernte und 7 ha Zuckerrübenernte direkt vor den Toren von ROPA Rheinland

Review of ROPA's 2018 demonstration

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2018 demonstration at the ROPA location in Viersen-Boisheim

Potato and sugar beet harvesting at the same time in a field near the plant premises - this was the premiere at the demonstration and location opening of ROPA Rhineland. More than 5000 enthusiastic visitors experienced the practical application up-close and personal in the field directly adjacent to the 2.5 ha premises of ROPA Rhineland. Several sugar beet harvesters, the ROPA Maus 5, and various potato harvesters were in action at the same time. A particular highlight was the plant premiere of the Keiler 2L 2-row potato harvester with 5.5 t overloading bunker. Non-stop harvesting with simultaneous overloading on a trailer driving alongside enables significantly increased performance.

In the brilliant sunshine, several thousand visitors accepted ROPA's invitation to Viersen-Boisheim. A hearty thank you to farmer Manfred Brassler, who prepared his field directly adjacent to the plant gates of ROPA Rhineland and made it available to us. Due to the extremely dry conditions in 2018, the harvest was meager and the harvesting conditions extremely dry and dusty. 



Click here to read the full article:ROPA DEMONSTRATION 2018 - OPENING OF ROPA RHINELAND LOCATION



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