ROPA Keiler 2 DoubleSelect
Increased separation efficiency under cloddy and stony harvesting conditions
ROPA is expanding its product portfolio with the Keiler 2 DoubleSelect to increase separation performance on cloddy and stony soils. This potato harvester has an additional triple UFK on pintle belt 2 with a separate trash track and an adjustable sorting platform next to pintle belt 3.
This additional UFK module can be adjusted in height and angle, while the speed of two-row unit and one-row unit of the additional UFK module can also be adjusted separately. Early separation of clods and stones in the crop flow significantly reduces damage to the potatoes later on, thus ensuring that the potatoes are harvested even more gently. Each UFK can also be optionally equipped with rotating brushes (UBK).
In operation at Beauce Félix RICHARD - ETA Prest'A
The contractor E. T. A Prest'Agri, run by Félix Richard together with his father Cyrill and his partner Baptiste, offers the complete range of services in the field of potato cultivation, from cultivation and harvesting to sales or storage in refrigerated warehouses.
The enterprise is located in the south of Paris, 20 km from ROPA France's subsidiary in Janville. They are processing from 10,000 to 12,000 tonnes of potatoes annually, of which about 50% are sold directly after being harvested and packed in Big Bags, while the other half is stored in one of their two refrigerated cold storages. The E. T. A offers other services such as harvesting of sugar beets, laying in swaths and harvesting of seed onions or grain trading.
The vehicle fleet consists of two ROPA Keiler 2, which are used on the territory of three departments of Loiret, Loir-et-Cher and Eure-et-Loire between Orléans, Chartres and Bourges. They can harvest approximately 20 ha/day with these machines
Felix contacted ROPA France because he appreciated its expertise. He chose two Keilers 2, with three employees working on each, for more versatility and flexibility. The first Keiler 2 Classic removes stones and large clods and takes in plenty of fine soil which is optimally under dry conditions.
"Even cleaner harvesting under difficult conditions"
The second Keiler 2, which is equipped with a double UFK, has a longer and more fluent cleaning circuit especially useful for large potatoes or on damp soils. Both separation devices contribute to productivity and time saving. "It allows us to remove many more small stones and clods, ensuring better sorting especially under difficult harvesting conditions. It's a significant time and money saver." »